Saturday 17 April 2010

Typical Lib Dem

I have just received an election communication from our Lib Dem candidate - still can't remember his name - in which he accuses Labour councillors of opposing school building projects and cutting teacher numbers in local schools.

There was me thinking we had just completed the building of two new primary schools and that two new secondary schools are currently being built. We are also in the process of designing the new shared campus in Port Glasgow, which will provide new schools for Glenburn/Lilybank, Port Glasgow High and St Stephen's.

What our young Lib Dem friend means, of course, is that Labour Councillors opposed the busing of hundreds of young people each day from the east end of Greenock to Port Glasgow for their secondary education. I am proud of the principled stand that we took on this matter and the far more inclusive solution to secondary education that we came up with. I am also enormously proud that we have put special needs pupils at the heart of our school estate strategy, when they had been overlooked by the Lib Dems.

As far as reducing teacher numbers is concerned, the Lib Dem candidate knows that during their time in control of the Council his colleagues reduced teacher numbers in line with reducing school rolls. We have done exactly the same during this Council term, with his Lib Dem colleagues again proposing this in their budgets.

Where we did differ however was in the recent budget changes agreed in February of this year. We set aside funding for an additional 5 primary teachers in our budget, which was opposed by the Lib Dems, who included nothing in their budget for extra teachers.

Isn't this just typical of the Lib Dems? They say one thing and do another.

You would have thought that as a teacher the Lib Dem candidate would at least get his facts right.


  1. Dr. Joyce Barberi20 April 2010 at 11:31

    Dear Mr. McCabe,

    From the outset, I am a labour voter and will always vote labour.

    However, my quick message is to say that you do yourself no favours by twice stating that you "still don't know the name of" the Liberal Democrat candidate.
    Whatever the reason for this, I find that it can be quite disrespectful to other candidates, who are simply offering an alternative viewpoint for governing the country.

    Please continue your good record in office and in highlighting the positive benefits that a Labour Government can offer the people of Inverclyde, but please show common decency and respect to at least refer to candidates from opposing parties by name.
    Disagree on policy but respect must be shown between Elected Members, or those campaigning for election.

  2. Thank you for your comment Joyce.

    This was very much tongue in cheek I have to say rather than meant to be disrespectful.

    Back in 1983 when I first joined the Labour Party it was drummed into me by our then election agent - a formidable woman - that you never mention the name of a political opponent during an election campaign. I have never forgotten this advice.

    I have to say however, if we are talking about disrespect, I have had my fair share over the years from the Lib Dems. I remember, for example, former Councillor Jim Mitchell likening me to Pol Pot at one Council meeting.

    Not all Lib Dems are like that nice man Nick Clegg, as we in Inverclyde know all too well to our cost.

  3. I tend to agree Joyce..but have to say although I am not a LABOUR SUPPORTER...the council leader's blog is more down to earth than the other so called party leaders!!!!
