Monday 26 April 2010

Lib Dem Arrogance

It looks as if the new golden boy of British politics - Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg - is in danger of over playing his hand.

Not only is he setting himself up as the kingmaker after next week's election, he now wants to decide who the Leader of the Labour Party is!

I am sorry Mr Clegg, we decide the Leader of our Party, not you.

This is just typical Lib Dem arrogance. Following a good performance in a TV debate and a boost in support in the opinion polls, he is getting a bit carried away with himself.

Don't count your chickens just yet Mr Clegg. As someone once said: "a week is a long time in politics".


  1. I have to say that although am not politically minded (shame on me!!!) at least you keep your blog up to date....not a labour supporter but you are at least consistent in your updates!!!
