Monday 12 April 2010

An occupational hazard?

I was up in Leven Road tonight delivering leaflets and direct mail to postal voters on behalf of our candidate David Cairns. I know the area well as I represented it between 1999 and 2007.

Everything was going fine - it was a reasonably pleasant evening - and I was pleased to see the positive developments that had taken place over the last few years: the refurbished houses in South Maukinhill; the new All Saints Primary and Nursery Schools; the new housing being built in Maukinhill; and the 3G pitch at Lady Octavia. I was also pleased to have the opportunity to chat to James Higgins, one of my former constituents.

Then it happened!

About 10 doors from the end of my run I pushed a leaflet through a letter box only to feel a sharp pain in the index finger of my left hand. Quickly pulling my hand out I realised that I had been bitten and the blood started to flow. Just then the door opened and out jumped two dogs followed by the owner who told me not to worry as "they would not touch me". Unfortunately one of them already had!

One wag who was cutting grass nearby turned to me and said: "I suppose that dog won't be voting Labour then?"

I realise that dogs are an occupational hazard for leafleters but I seem to be particularly unlucky, having been bitten 3 times also during the 2007 election campaign.

Hopefully bites don't always come in 3s!

1 comment:

  1. Give me a ring and I'll teach you a technique for avoiding bites, and avoiding the leaflet hanging out the letterbox--a common error by Labour leafleters. John M :-)
