Thursday 15 April 2010

The great debate

After leafleting in Greenock tonight - I never realised that Gateside Gardens was such a long street - I got home just in time to watch the great debate (my youngest was a bit upset when I turned the TV over as he was watching Sponge Bob).

I thought all three Leaders gave a competent performance. No one made any major gaffs - apart maybe from David Cameron mentioning the Chinese as a potential nuclear threat - and no one landed a knock out blow.

While most commentators seem to think that Nick Clegg came across best, for me Gordon Brown was the one who looked and sounded like a Prime Minister.


  1. Oh ,and watch the fingers,now you know what we have to go through .

  2. Hello ,some of us postman have been talking and noticed your leaflets all over the east end of the town this week slowly working in towards the town ,morning and afternoons there always seems to be someone out. keep up the good work as the Labour party seem to be the only ones out posting leaflets and meeting the locals .

