Thursday 31 March 2011


It looks like the local SNP are trying to silence me.

One of their Councillors (who shall remain nameless) has made not one but TWO complaints against me to the Standards Commission about postings on this blog and about the fact that I have a link in my Council email signature to the blog.

Given the professional way in which the complaints forms have been completed I suspect that the gentleman in question has received a bit of help with them.

I wonder what other local SNP politician might have an axe to grind with me?

So enjoy my posts as long as you can: I might be put off line some time soon!


  1. Being a reader of many political blogs I feel as long as an opinion is signed, and there is a right to reply then no one should be so precious about political debate.

    Pro, Scottish Nationalist political blogs and websites have a shocking reputation as being among the among the most vicious on the web. Although not exclusive the number of producers of online bigotry and hatred are seen to be sympathetic to the Nationalist cause.
    Anyone seen to stand in the way of their aim for independence, or who raise even the mildest criticism of Alex Salmond or the SNP find themselves a target of the cybernats.

    The SNP always maintains that any member caught doing this sort of thing would be thrown out , but we have yet to hear a leading figure in the party disown them publicly.

    SNP,minister Michael Russell made no apology for employing a cybernat ,and this lack of action helps their cause as inuendo and rumours go out into cyber space , always hid behind pseudonyms and anonymous postings.

    The doctrine of positive Nationalism has been a so-called bedrock for the modern SNP, because without it the party could be accused of becoming a home for bigots who define themselves through their anti-Englishness.

    But there are many SNP members and supporters, who clearly have not accepted this view , and with the safety of anonymity, let their true feelings be known.

  2. If you didnt talk so much nonsense then there would be no need to sensor you.
    As for Colins comment he needs to be able to back up such allegations.

  3. If you have offended the SNP deliberately on this blog you deserve to be taken off.What gives you or anyone the right to attack others online.If you have abused your position then you should also stand down.
    The other comment I just dont understand .I have never seen the SNP support any of what this person accuses them. Mike Russell is an excellent minister.

  4. I thought politics was or should be about clarity and honesty.If you beleive what you write is acurate good luck to you.But if you are just causing trouble then this should be stopped. Cybernats at the SNP are rife and people in glass houses.
    I agree that many are only in it to be anti english. But this is not what the party are about .

    Stuart S Mcdonald

  5. Feedback always welcome - even from Nats!
