Monday 29 March 2010

The usual SNP nonsense

I see that SNP Councillor Chris Osborne is spouting the usual SNP nonsense in the letters' page of today's Greenock Telegraph, trying to misrepresent the position of Labour Councillors.

As Councillor Osborne full well knows, there has been no decision to introduce parking charges in Greenock Town Centre. All that has been agreed is a report on the pros and cons of charges. This proposal was actually supported by Councillor Osborne's SNP colleagues at the full Council meeting on 18 February. I wonder if he is going to write to the paper criticising them?

With regard to the SNP's budget proposals, Councillor Osborne and his colleagues did come up with one or two suggestions that were worthy of consideration (although these were a bit overshadowed by their proposal to spend £22m on a multi-storey car park in Cathcart Street). The problem was that by refusing to talk to the Administration in advance of the budget meeting they knew there was no chance their proposals would be accepted. Perhaps next year they will take a more mature approach to the budget.

As for his claim that Labour Councillors have a policy of compulsory redundancies, again that is nonsense.

Labour Councillors wish to avoid compulsory redundancies. We are committed to working with our trade unions colleagues to this end.

Given the scale of the financial challenges facing the Council, however, it would be irresponsible - if not dishonest - of any Councillors to give a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies.

I doubt very much if Councillor Osborne's SNP colleagues in neighbouring Renfrewshire Council would.


  1. Is there a telegraph bias towards the SNP,I read the Tele every day and being what you call a swing voter ,they do seem to get more good press coverage than you lot ,especially Mr Mcmillan.Or are you not allowed to voice such an opinion against the local press.

  2. I don't believe that the Telegraph is biased. Perhaps as a list MSP Stuart McMillan has more time for self promotion than most.

    What I do find curious is the fact that the Telegraph allows Mr McMillan - and Lib Dem Ross Finnie for that matter - a regular column but does not afford the same privilege to my Labour colleagues Trish Godman MSP and David Cairns MP, who after all are directly elected to represent Inverclyde constituencies rather than being elected via the party list system.

    I wouldn't dare suggest that the Leader of the Council is worthy of his own column as well!

  3. The irony regarding Mr Mcmillan is the fact he is actually English. As for David Cairns having met him once or twice I think he should be given a local platform as he does speak a lot of sense and I beleive he is from the Broomhill high flats.
