Wednesday 17 March 2010

Taking money under false pretences

When I stood for election for Ward 1 in May 2007 I did so on the basis that if I was elected I would do my best to represent the interests of my constituents throughout the ward. Since I was elected I have tried to honour that commitment by holding regular advice surgeries, attending tenants' and residents' associations, regeneration groups, community councils and parent councils as often as I could given my other commitments (Council Leader, job and family). I have also sought to represent each part of what is a very big ward.

I am pleased to say that two of the other three Councillors who represent the same ward - David Wilson and Jim MacLeod - have demonstrated a similar level of commitment to their constituents. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of Lib Dem Councillor Tom Fyfe.

Since May 2007 he has been nothing short of a passenger, taking money under false pretences.

He has held very few surgeries and his attendance at the various groups within the ward has been virtually non existent.

Councillor Fyfe seems to think that he is paid over £16,000 a year by the Council taxpayers of Inverclyde simply to attend meetings within the Council Chamber. Even then his contributions hardly amount to value for money.

It really is a disgrace that he has been able to get away with this lack of interest in his ward for nearly 3 years without any action from the local Liberal Democrat Association. They surely cannot ignore this matter any longer. They must act now. Either Councillor Fyfe should be told to start representing his constituents properly or he should be told to resign his seat and allow someone else to be elected who will.


  1. Well said. Irrespective of party politics, putting in an honest hours work for an hours fair wage to represent constituents has to be the fundamental basis of working for any politician.

    At this time, perhaps more than any, given the forthcoming General Election and ongoing expenses scandals the work ethic and commitment of politicians whether they be Councillors, MSPs of MPs has to be beyond question.

    Voter apathy is most probably at it's highest level this century, arguably at it's highest level in that past 3 decades and the opportunity this affords to the far right means that the political arena can ill afford to carry those who are just along for the ride, the status and the cash.

  2. I think every one who is guilty ,should be named and shamed,Every one who falls below a certain attendance or surgery participation level(not the meeting every six month sham) should be sacked. There are a few in Greenock who do very little. As council leader should you not do more than having a moan on a blog which probably doesnt have a wide audience yet. Name them in the press as see what their reply is.


  3. are there not standsrds that have to be met by council officials.I would have thought that you could do something about this. These people are a discrace to themselves and to the underpirvillaged people of Port Glasgow who need his and all the other councillors help in making it a better place to live.

  4. Mr McCabe ,politics at all levels need people with a track record of hard work and plenty of life ,work experience.The best politicians have a passion to get involved when they really havent the time ,but always find it. Im sure you dont know how you fit into your day what you do,but you do it anyway. Those with nothing to do ,do very little when asked.
    Lazy and greedy councillors are not uncommon,easily replacing them after they are elected is equally as uncommon. Im not a labour supporter but as a Port Glasgow taxpayer share your disgust at this situation.
    Rab c

  5. My role as Council Leader is a political one. I have no authority over individual ward Councillors. Neither do officers have any authority in this area.

    The responsibility lies squarely at the door of the political party the individual represents.

    Ultimately accountability is to the electorate. Unfortunately it is over 2 years to the next election.

    As for me "having a moan on a blog", you maybe interested to know that every post I make is automatically forwarded to The Greenock Telegraph.

  6. Well done Councillor McCabe to bring the situation of Councillor Fyfe to the notice of ALL Inverclyde voters. Councillor Fyfe comments in reply are very negative. How does he know no one attends his Surgeries if he does not carry out any. The Inverclyde Liberals should take this action further and put forward another candidate who will work for their consituents.
    I would like to see Councillors Fyfe's expenses for the past three years, surely they would amount to very little, if not this should be highlighted. (Unsuccessful Council Candidate 2007)

  7. I consider that Councillor's like Mr Fyfe are showing a disgusting lack of respect for their constituents, many of whom work in low paid jobs for 36 hours a week; with some having to start at 6am in the morning and earning much less than than £16k per year.

    I would expect that Councillor Fyfe also has a substantial pension topping up his income. Should the Liberal Leader not intervene in this case and instruct Councillor Fyfe to put this situation right? even it it meant resigning and haveing someone who cares about their constituents duly elected. Or perhaps the liberals feel they would lose an election in the ward possibly due to lack of representation being provided by Councillor Fyfe.

  8. Were can I find councillor Fyfes reply ,I want to see his excuse.If nobody is attending hid surgery then this says more about him than the constituent.

    D. Kane

  9. His response is reported on the Inverclyde Now website

  10. Mr McCabe,how may candidates are allowed to stand in a ward election from each party.The reason I ask is will it always be the case were port Glasgow gets a mix of councillors or is it possible that the Labour party can have all the councillors in a ward, your fellows all seem very hard working and throughout my many voting years, Labour have always had hard working councillors.

  11. There is no limit on the number of candidates that you can stand but you would obviously not put up any more than the number of councillors to be elected.

    Parties judge how many candidates that they realistically hope to be elected and put that number of candidates up.

    Ward 1 is a 4 member ward. At the 2007 election we put up 2 candidates - Tom Monteith and myself. Tom failed to be elected, narrowly losing out to Tom Fyfe. If more Labour voters who voted for me as their number 1 choice had voted Tom as their number 2 choice he would have been elected instead of Tom Fyfe. Due to the fact that it was a new system of voting many people played safe and only voted for one candidate.

    I would anticipate that as the next Council election in 2012 we will again put 2 candidates up in Ward 1, hoping to have 2 elected.

  12. I really dont see the lib dems taking any action.I recently attended a ward 3 meeting which lib dem Councilllor Alan Blair spoke at. I was really unimpressed by his lack of passion for the area or for anything else that was raised at this meeting. Sometimes it is possible to tolerate daft ideas if the enthusiasm is there but this man and his party seem empty and without any ideas.

  13. Having attended two Committees at the Council chambers over the past 2 years , I would congratulate you on your enthusiasm for the job at hand. I was also struck by the arguments placed by Jim McLeod and Robert Moran. As for Mr Fyffe and Jim Grieve ... the least said the better.
