Thursday 21 January 2010

Offer of budget discussions

A special meeting of the Council's Policy & Resources Committee has been called for Tuesday 9 February to enable Members to consider changes to the 2010/11 budget we set last year as part of our two-year budget. There have been a number of factors that have impacted on the Council's financial position since last February so it is appropriate that we reflect on these.

We also need to consider the areas of the Council's budget that we want officers to look at as we try to identify savings to cover the projected £28m funding gap over the years 2011-2014.

As in previous years, I have written to the Leaders of the main opposition groups to invite them to meet with me to see if we can find any common ground with a view to agreeing joint proposals for the meeting on 9 February.

In 2008 the SNP Group took up my offer of talks and we were able to agree a joint budget. In 2009 the SNP decided to submit their own budget proposals. In both years the Lib Dems declined my offer of talks, although technically they did not actually reply to my letter.

Hopefully I will receive a more positive response this year.

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