Saturday 23 April 2011

Major investment in play areas...

As part of the Labour-led Administration's commitment to improving play facilities for children and young people across the district I am delighted to report that proposals for a further investment of £350,000 in play will be submitted to the Council's Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee on 3 May. £300,000 of this new funding - which was opposed by SNP and Lib Dem Councillors - was included in the Administration's budget in February.

As a Ward 1 Councillor I am particularly pleased that the proposals being submitted to the Committee include £25,000 for upgrading the existing play area at West Glen Road in Kilmacolm and a further £75,000 for the proposed major new play facility at Boglestone in Port Glasgow.

If this additional funding is approved it would bring total funding allocated by the Council to the Boglestone project to £182,000. Working with the Three Wards Community Council, officials are trying to attract external grant funding to see if we can get the total funding package up to around £200,000, which would allow us to provide a  children's play area and a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) for use by the older kids.

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