Thursday 14 April 2011

Contempt for local democracy...

Just been watching the SNP's Depute Leader on Newsnight Scotland struggling to justify her party's continuing attack on local democracy by blackmailing Councils into freezing the Council Tax for a further 5 years.

Her contempt for local Councils was evident for everyone to see.

She just did not understand the irony of a party that argues for greater fiscal powers for the Scottish Government planning to effectively abolish the tax powers of local authorities.

The SNP's promise to freeze the Council Tax for 5 years should not come as a surprise to anyone. As soon as the other major parties matched their 2 year stunt they were always going to trump that with a 5 year pledge.

Of course this year's freeze was only achieved by the Finance Secretary threatening Councils with punitive cuts to their grant of an unprecedented scale but still claiming that it was secured by agreement.

At least the SNP are now being honest. It doesn't matter what Councils think: the Council Tax is going to be frozen and that's that!

So much for partnership and mutual respect.

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