Monday 13 May 2013

Clune Park Task Group Update...

I chaired a meeting of the Clune Park Task Group tonight where officers gave an update on the progress of the regeneration strategy, including the proposed new build development at Lower Mary Street by Link and Persimmon.

Members of the Task Group were disappointed to hear that some of the private landlords are seeking to frustrate the Council's efforts to acquire and demolish the properties in the Clune Park area by opposing closing and demolition orders. Despite this the Council remains committed to pushing ahead with our strategy as quickly as possible.

Members of the Task Group were also disappointed to hear that some residents of the Kingston Dock estate are talking about objecting to the new build development at nearby Lower Mary Street. The Task Group feel that any concerns over the social problems in the Clune Park area being exported to Lower Mary Street are unwarranted.

The residents who will be moving to Lower Mary Street will be longstanding owner occupiers and tenants. The development will also be managed to a very high standard by one of Scotland's most respected housing associations.


  1. Just a question Mr McCabe, I have written to the local newspaper complaining that my ward councillor Matt Campbell Sturgess has not turned up to a tenant and residents meeting since being elected last year after attending every one prior to becoming elected.
    Why wont they run my story,is there a bias towards the SNP.
    James Quigg

  2. I would hope not James. Why not email the Editor direct? You could eave a comment on the Tele Facebook page or tweet them?

    You could also contact Councillor Chris McEleny, the Leader of the SNP Group with your complaint.


  3. Councillor Sturgess has been to two of our committee meetings since being elected. We are very interested to hear that another group feels the same.
