Monday 28 February 2011

Sour grapes...

I see that well-known Independent Robert Kyle (Robert who?) is having a go at Labour voters in today's Greenock Telegraph.

Robert comes away with the same old crap that we have heard loads of times before about people voting Labour out of tradition and blind loyalty. Mind you rather than using the dog analogy Robert refers to people voting for a tailor's dummy if it had a Labour badge on it.

It is interesting how a free thinking man like Robert appears to have been able to break free of whatever family voting tradition that he was brought up in whereas those of us from a Labour tradition are apparently incapable of thinking for ourselves. Sounds a bit condescending Robert and smacks of sour grapes.

Perhaps you should look a bit closer to home for the reason why you were soundly rejected by the voters of Ward 2 in May 2007.

Knowing you as I do, I have to say that the dummy would get my vote every time!


  1. I wonder if Mr Kyles remarks have anything to do with recent behaviour of other independants.Maybe he should follow the lead of the others and associate with the money men of Inverclyde.
    It is well known that councillor Ahlfeld benefits greatly with as close association to Gourock businessman Mr Deeney, As do other independent candidates.It is also no suprise that Mr Ahlfeld decided at the last minute to back labour.Was this anything to do with the fact his backer Gerry Deeney has turned to Labour.Mr Alhfeld being one of his trustees. It is also well known that Mr Deeneys descision to back Labour is so he can push one of his company (Senit solutions)managers as a potential Labour councillor.
    I am sceptical of anyone who jumps between parties and loyalties,it stinks of self preservation. Mr Ahlfeld, Innes Nelson, Gerry Deeney.
    I dont expect a reply to my post but would hope your party dont play the games of these puppets and their masters who pull all their strings.There is always something in it for those who fund these people
    There is an old saying,charity begins at home.
    Especially when you have business interests to promote.
    Mr H Gordon

  2. I read this guys letter does he really think we are all that stupid.Does it not dawn on him the challenges faced by our fathers and grandfathers are the same challenges we face now. And some of us vote labour for the same reasons as our fathers not through ill judged sentiment. Maybe he should follow in the steps of the other indies and join the SNP as thats seems to be the refuge of the no hopers.

  3. Speaking as someone who has grown up with a family which votes Labour on the basis of "anyone but the Tories", I can fully understand Mr Kyle's position; and to a point, he is correct.

    However for a councillor and representative of Inverclyde to be so dismissive of someone with an interest in the political machine (given the apathy the younger generation seem to show in regards to politics) it is in fact you, who seem to smack of sour grapes.

  4. I am afraid you miss the point.

    You don't get people to vote for you by talking down to them.

    Perhaps that explains why Robert was resoundly rejected by the electorate unlike Michael McCormick in 2003 and Ronnie Ahlfeld in 2007.

    Robert might talk a good game about the politcal machine, as you call it: meanwhile the rest of us are geting on with the job of improving our community.
