Thursday 5 August 2010

Proud to live in Inverclyde

Following the outcry over a Russian journalist's less than flattering opinion column on Greenock it was good to see today's Greenock Telegraph portray a very different picture of Inverclyde and Greenock in particular.

The positive news included:

Record exam results
A house price boom
Investment in our town centres
Volunteers raising money for good causes
The national success of our Schools' Junior Choir
Recognition of the wonderful work of the local hospice
The young and not so young enjoying the Council's free swimming initiative.

The only negative story I noticed was Greenock Juniors beating Port Glasgow Juniors!

Having been born in Inverclyde and lived here all my life, I am never embarrassed to tell people where I come from. Like other places, we have our challenges, but I for one would never want to live anywhere else. Inverclyde is my home and I am proud to live here.


  1. Fair comment. I too am proud to live in Inverclyde. However, I do think that the Telegraph have to shoulder the blame for a lot of the negative perceptions of Inverclyde both from the people who live here and people from outwith the area who are sent the 'Tele' by family and friends. Whilst the Russian fella was laying it on thick, the jist of his story is that the local paper painted a pretty miserable picture of the area. To often the Tele turns what could be good news stories into cheap sensationalism and mis-leading headlines. I wonder if a top-level meeting between the Council and the Tele could result in a more positive image being portrayed to combat the negativity. Unfortunately, I suspect that the positives of today's edition is simply a change of tack based on a suspicion that people will be looking a bit closer for the next few days, as a result of the Moscow article and the Tele will revert back to it's usual cheap sensationalism in due course.

  2. I think that the telegragh pretty much knows what it is doing with a lot of the negative stories. I have always found our local paper favoured certain political partys but not labour.So a negitive view suites their agenda .
