Thursday 1 July 2010

Voluntary organisations benefit from Council grants...but only just!

A range of voluntary groups across Inverclyde received funding totalling nearly £93,000 from the Council's Grants Committee Sub-Committee this afternoon, which is on top of over £180,000 already awarded since the new financial year began on 1 April to a number of other groups who benefit from a 3 year funding commitment.

I am told however that the Sub-Committee meeting nearly never took place. With 10 minutes to go before the meeting started it was looking like it would be inquorate. Fortunately SNP Councillor Chris Osborne turned up to join the three Labour Members on the Sub-Committee - Jim Clocherty, Terry Loughran and Iain McKenzie - to make the quorum. There was no sign of Lib Dem Alan Blair and Independent Charlie McCallum, and no nominated substitutes.

Just as well the other members take their duties more seriously and understand the importance of these grants to the many volunteers who give so much to our community.


  1. These councillors are a disgrace,get you act in gear and start getting your guys who will be fighting these councillors out in the streets now ,shaming these individuals.

  2. I know that two of the other SNP councillors have health/family problems. But this has been happening a lot with many other committees as well, and there really is very little excuse that if the councillor cannot be there than they could at least nominate substitutes.

    Perhaps this is another reason why councillors should be treated (and paid) as full-time employees, so they cannot use excuses like "I was at work" or the like to get away with giving less than 100% to the community.
    I support a different party and oppose most everything Labour do, but at least your guys (no girls, sadly!) show up to meetings!
