Monday 19 July 2010

Clegg under fire over voting reform referendum

I see that Deputy Prime Minister and Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg has come under fire for proposing to hold a UK wide referendum on voting reform on 5 May 2011, the same day as elections to the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly, Northern Ireland Assembly and local elections in England and Northern Ireland. Defending his proposal Mr Clegg argues that as voters will be faced with a simple yes or no vote the referendum on the Alternative Vote System should not overshadow the other elections.

Mr Clegg is also proposing the introduction of five-year fixed term UK Parliaments, with the next UK General Election taking place on 7 May 2015, again on the same day as these other elections.

I simply do not accept the argument that the referendum will not overshadow the other elections. If we are going to have a genuine public debate on a fundamental change to our voting system political activists will want to be fully engaged on both sides. How can they do this if they are fighting elections at the same time?

Of greater concern is the thought of a UK General Election on the same day as the 2015 Scottish Parliament Election. This would be nothing short of an affront to democracy.

I wonder what the local Lib Dems think of these proposals?

1 comment:

  1. Everything about the lib dems is an affront to democracy.Their actions in sanctioning all government cuts and then invoking their
    so-called right of abstinence when the consequences are so devestating is an affront to all who have or will lose their jobs,training or benefits .There will be no hiding place and nothing they say locally or nationally will carry any credibility.This cant been dismissed as guilt by association as the cuts are well and truly advocated by lib dem ministers .In business we all have to compromise or make
    alliances that do not sit well and we do what we can to get along.But its more than this. Its Clegg and Camerons road to damascus
    moment "that all they ever wanted was the same thing but just didnt know it".Or watching David Mundell and Michael Moore
    sniggering together like children while the FJF cuts were being discussed at Scottish questions.This shows the lib dems are not in
    this coalition to restrain the tories but to be active participants in a mass cull on jobs and services.I will not hold my breath
    waiting for our local lib dems to take a stand .Their silence speaks volumes.
    Colin J
