Sunday 2 May 2010

"It's the economy, stupid"

It has been interesting during the election campaign watching the Tories and the Lib Dems trying to blame Labour, and Gordon Brown in particular, for the economic challenges the country faces. Anyone following the current crisis afflicting Greece knows that this is absolute nonsense.

The whole world has been affected by economic fall out from the banking crisis that started in the United States and many countries have suffered much worse than the UK. This is not an accident but is a direct result of action taken by the Labour Government led by Gordon Brown.

The recovery however is very fragile and the wrong decisions taken now could send the UK back into recession.

Do we really want a novice like George Osborne - who is he I hear you ask - running our economy?

Unlike some, I have a long memory. I can remember what Thatcherite economic policies did to working class communities across our country in the 1980s and 1990s.

That is why I will be voting Labour on Thursday.


  1. I Had an intersting conversation with a labour party cnavasser outside Saint Patricks chapel on the way to mass on Saturday morning.I was ready to vote lib dem ,having read the newspapers and watched the news I thought I was quite well imformed. Your labour canvasser gave me information on some policies which I have now researched on the internet over the weekend and am shocked at what is being distorted or deliberately left out by the TV and Newspapers.
    I am now a confirmed labour supporter as is my husband and sisters after sharing this information with them.I hope that the labour canvassers around the country can get this information out throughout the country because it will not be available throught the media networks.
    Helen Lynch
    Wellington street Greenock

  2. I share your concerns about the media Helen.

    The press has always been biased but I am afraid that parts of the broadcast media is now also showing bias and more interested in personalities than policies.

    I would also advise any other Labour voter considering switching to the Lib Dems to remember what happened when many did this at the 2003 Council elections.

  3. Helen, I would be most interested in the details of this info. Can you expand?

    As for the Lib Dems in the Council Elections, hadn't they been in charge for a few years in the run up to the Council being tagged as the worst in Scotland? Then lost more than half their seats in the next election (probably would have been more if it wasn't for proportional representation)

  4. winston Firstly I agreed that those earning a certain salary didnt deserve the tax credits and agreed they should be cut as proposed by both partied opposed to labour.
    I didnt understand the benefits of universal welfare.
    I didnt even know sure start was at work in Inverclyde ,we have just been enjoying its benefits and now its at risk I realise how big a step this was for labour to introduce and the risk posed by both parties too it.
    Minimum wage something else me and my husband have taken for granted.Actually the list is endless and could go on for some time.
    I regret to say that we both supported SNP at the last elections ,we never fully understood the consequences but beleive me we definately do now.
    A chance encounter with a labour canvassor has now changed our opinion and hopefully not too late for others to realise that who they vote for actually matters.
    Helen and Pat Lynch
