Sunday 18 August 2013

The week ahead...

At work until late afternoon before heading to Greenock for a meeting with Duncan McNeil MSP and Iain McKenzie MP. In the evening I will be chairing a meeting of the Clune Park Task Group. Link Housing Association will be present to give an update on the proposed new housing development for Clune Park residents at Lower Mary Street.
At work until mid afternoon then down to Greenock for a meeting with the Chief Executive. In the early evening I will be attending a meeting of the River Clyde Homes Board. I hope to make at least part of the St Stephen's High School Parent Council meeting.
At work until late afternoon then again down to Greenock for a Labour Group meeting. I hope then to attend a meeting of Newark Primary School Parent Council.
A full day at work with no evening commitments at present.
Another full day at work.


  1. Just a polite suggestion... As an alternative, or even a replacement to this weekly timetable, might it not be a good idea to list what you hope to achieve this week. I, for one, would certainly find that very interesting.

    Because I manage the My Town Homepage platform, I think it would also be of great interest to our thousands of local followers who might even want to enter into dialogue about your aspirations for the week.

    Just a suggestion. I hope you can take it on board in the positive manner in which it was intended.

