Thursday 14 October 2010

Council Tax Freeze

Just heard on 'Newsnight Scotland' that we are having a Council Tax freeze next year, with the SNP's Mike Russell telling us that they want to help out hard pressed families in these difficult times.

In the next breath however he was arguing that the Scottish Government needs greater fiscal autonomy - including tax raising powers - to help grow the Scottish economy and limit the effects of UK budget cuts.

So it would be alright Mike for the Scottish Government to raise taxes but not Councils?

So much for the 'new relationship' between the Scottish Government and local government!

1 comment:

  1. As a regular reader of a few political blogs,I must admit to not fully agreeing with you on one or two issues,but this is not my point here.

    At least you are honest and reply to the majority of the comments left even if they are against you and your party.
    You have had a go at me as well on here but I am a big boy and can take it.

    But as I say at least you print the critisisms against you.

    Unfortunately the same cant be said about your collegue councillor Osborne.

    His blog is just an opportunity for him to have a go at others and replies to his posts are not published and completely ignored.

    But then he later publishes his own comments to replies, but doesnt publish my original reply itself.
    So much for a two way debate.

    Surely democracy includes the right to critisize and censoring the electorat is very childish and lacking the conviction to argue your case right or wrong .
    Paul Kerr
