Thursday 28 January 2010

A hectic week so far

Apologies to regular readers for not updating the blog for a few days: it has been one of those weeks. I have been out every night so far, which is why I have not been able to find the time.

Tomorrow morning I will be attending the CoSLA Leaders' meeting in Edinburgh.

CoSLA (the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) is an umbrella organisation that the Council is a member of (it costs us £60,000 a year). Its role is to try to represent the collective views of Scottish Councils to Government and other bodies that we deal with.

The monthly Leaders meeting is attended by the Leaders and Chief Executives of all member Councils. The agenda for tomorrow's meeting includes discussion on care home fees; the Scottish Government's proposed National Housing Trust; the future of public information notices; and the Alcohol Bill currently going through the Scottish Parliament.

The aim of the meeting is to try to agree a common local government position on these matters that all 32 Councils can sign up to. Given the different interests of each Council and the political allegiances of Council Leaders this can sometimes be quite challenging!

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