Sunday, 25 September 2016

The week ahead...

A busy afternoon with a Members' briefing, a meeting of the Members' Budget Working Group and a meeting of the Greenock Arts Guild Finance Committee. In the evening I hope to attend meetings of St Francis' Primary School Parent Council and Port Glasgow Community Association.
In the evening I have a surgery in Kilmacolm Community Centre followed by a meeting of Kilmacolm Community Council.
In the afternoon I have my weekly meeting with the Chief Executive followed by a meeting of the Labour Group.
Another busy afternoon with a Members' workshop on the local housing strategy followed by meetings of the Police and Fire Scrutiny Sub-Committeee and the full Council. In the evening I plan to attend the St Stephen's High School Awards' Ceremony.
Through in Edinburgh much of the day at COSLA. In the evening I have a couple of Labour Party meetings to attend.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The week ahead...

In the late afternoon I have the Council pre-agenda followed by a meeting with officers.
In the afternoon I have a Members' briefing followed by a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee. In the early evening I have the River Clyde Homes' Annual General Meeting followed by a Board meeting.
In the late afternoon I have a meeting of the Labour Group.
In the evening I will be attending the Port Glasgow High School Awards' Ceremony.
No Council commitments at this time.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

The week ahead...

In the afternoon I will be attending a meeting of the Port Glasgow Regeneration Forum.
In the evening I have a surgery in St Francis' Primary School.
In the afternoon I have a pre-agenda meeting for the Inverclyde Alliance Board, my weekly meeting with the Chief Executive and a meeting of the Labour Group.
In the afternoon I have a meeting of the Riverside Inverclyde Board and in the evening a meeting of Slaemuir Tenants' and Residents' Association.
In the morning I have a meeting of the Inverclyde Integrated Joint Board following by a planning event for the same.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

The week ahead...

In the afternoon I am chairing the latest meeting of the Texas Instruments' Task Force with the Scottish Government's Business Minister Paul Wheelhouse MSP in attendance for the first time.
In the afternoon I have the pre-agenda for the Policy & Resources Committee followed by a meeting of the Education & Communities Committee.
In the afternoon I have my weekly meeting with the Chief Executive followed by a meeting of the Labour Group.
No Council commitments at this time.
No Council commitments at this time.